Thirty Years Experience Selling Telecom and Internet Companies

Thirty years of telecom and Internet M&A services
For a Life Changing Confidential Discussion
Thirty Years Experience Selling Telecom and Internet Companies
For a Life Changing Confidential Discussion
Founded in 1994 by Tom Millitzer, his company has completed over 500 assignments.
Close your transaction.
Millitzer Capital was founded in 1994. We represent telecom companies in the sale of their business. We are strategic advisors, M&A brokers and conduct business valuations. Call 239-282-5550,
Contact Tom Millitzer - 239-282-5550 -
Contact Abe Grimes to book speaking engagements or interviews with Tom Millitzer,
18861 Lake Worth Blvd.
Port Charlotte, FL 33948
Mr. Tom Millitzer
239-938-6566 m 230-938-6566 mobile